The Poso Creek Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Group formed in 2005 financed by water management districts in the Northern Tulare Lake region of Kern County. The group was formed as a means of developing a collaborative approach between the Regional Water Management Group (RWMG) as a governing group of water management districts, regional Stakeholders, and all other Interested Parties (landowners, public, local communities, etc.) towards regional water management planning and implementation activities.
The regional approach taken by the IRWMG Group has led to the successful completion of over $151 million in planning, project (structural) and program (non-structural) implementation activities to enhance water resources management and thereby mitigate the actual and anticipated reductions to surface water supplies delivered to the region. These efforts have helped to increase water use effectiveness in the region through greater absorption and groundwater recharge and have helped to alleviate some of the water resources issues that are otherwise unresolvable and unmanageable under an individualized district planning focus. Many of the projects and programs implemented by the group have been funded by a combination of local, state, and/or federal grant opportunities.
Semitropic actively participates in the IRWM Group, serving as the Lead Agency of the RWMG since its inception by noticing and hosting meetings and acting as Treasurer of the group. Other prominent districts in the region involved in the RWMG include the North Kern Water Storage District, Cawelo Water District, Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District, Kern-Tulare Water District, Delano-Earlimart Irrigation District, North West Kern Resource Conservation District, South San Joaquin Municipal Utility District (SSJMUD) and a Representative for economically-disadvantaged communities (DACs) in the region.
Click here for more information on the DWR’s IRWM Grant Program.