The Goose Lake Project is a joint effort involving Ducks Unlimited, Buttonwillow Land and Cattle Co. (BL&C) and Semitropic Water Storage District. The project began in the early 1990s when Semitropic realized that the Goose Lake bed had potential for a prime wetland habitat and short-term surface storage of flood waters. After being on hold for nearly a decade, Ducks Unlimited recognized the potential of the project and took the lead in revamping the program. The Players Involved As currently planned, the BL&C, which owns the land, will provide land and manage duck club activity. Ducks Unlimited will provide some funding, take the lead in permitting and provide technical assistance in developing prime wetlands. Semitropic will provide additional funding, a reliable water supply for duck clubs and operation and maintenance expertise. Groundwater Storage Some of the property will be used for capturing floodwater, surplus water and any other unregulated water source. Wells will be drilled on the property and used to recover banked or stored water and provide the wetlands water in dry years. For more information about the Goose Lake Project, contact us.